Friday 1 June 2012

Bendinator 1.3 Circuit bent My Music Maker Toy

It's been quite a while since I bent anything, but a free friday night last week allowed me to get back into it and I produced a Bendinator 1.3. This keyboard I got on ebay for a few pounds and was exactly the same as the Bendinator 1.2, a My music maker toy keyboard. The bends are quite different on this one though. I opted for body contacts instead of an LDR, and didn't bother with a sustain switch as one of the pitch modes gives extra sustain anyway.

The keyboard features :

- On/Off switch

- Jack Output

- LED Sound Indicator

- Pitch/Glitch Control

- Mode Switch controls whether Pitch/Glitch Knob is off or acting as Pitch control, or glitch control. (This is a 3 way switch. Centre is off, right is glitch mode, left is pitch mode)

- 2 Body Contacts for pitch. Holding both affects pitch, holding bottom one effects the sound.

Video Demo

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